Confirmed and unconfirmed blockchain transactions

Confirmed and unconfirmed blockchain transactions
The main feature of cryptocurrencies like BTC or ETH is that they are not issued by a central authority. There is no bank or government in charge of processing transactions. Instead, a network of independent nodes validates and confirms transfers of decentralized cryptocurrencies.

Emergency response drills

Emergency response drills
Hardening your infrastructure, applications, writing up procedures and most of all educating your employees on how to handle tough situations is priceless. ER drills are part of that process and prove to be an invaluable tool in the chaos that is the world of engineering.

Top 10 tips to securely handle your crypto

Top 10 tips to securely handle your crypto
Read about the basic safe practices of handling your funds and managing your account and shed some light on what you can (and can’t) expect from our representatives, so you’ll always be able to tell them apart from any impostors trying to scam you.

What are blockchain nodes?

What are blockchain nodes?
A blockchain node is one of numerous devices that run the blockchain protocol software and usually store the history of transactions. Nodes connect to each other in a decentralized peer-to-peer network, and they're essential for maintaining the honesty of the entire network.