Where to track cryptocurrency transactions?

Where to track cryptocurrency transactions?
Blockchains keep a record of each transaction ever to have occurred on the network. Unlike banks, however, public blockchains keep this information open to everyone. This means that the information about all transactions can be freely accessed from anywhere across the globe.

Weekly News Roundup – 19 Jul 2021

Weekly News Roundup – 19 Jul 2021
Bitstamp enabled ETH staking, PayPal ups weekly limit on crypto purchases to $100K, Bank of America has begun clearing bitcoin futures, ShapeShift to decentralize entire company and have the largest #airdrop in history, and more.

What are blockchain forks?

What are blockchain forks?
In the context of blockchain, a fork is a technical phenomenon that occurs when a blockchain splits into two separate branches. These two branches share their transaction history up until the point of the split. From there on, they each go independently each in their own direction.

Centralized and decentralized networks

Centralized and decentralized networks
Decentralization is seen as blockchain’s ultimate attribute as it has many advantages over traditional centralized systems for storing information. Why is that so? And what does it even mean, if we say that a system is centralized or decentralized?

Weekly News Roundup – 12 Jul 2021

Weekly News Roundup – 12 Jul 2021
Bitstamp extended crime insurance policy with Paragon, Ethereum London hard fork coming up on 4 Aug, stablecoin firm Circle which operates $USDC to go public, Visa’s crypto partnerships grew by 43% in four months, and more.

What is blockchain?

What is blockchain?
The idea of the blockchain has existed for over a quarter of a century, but it was popularized by the mythical founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. No one knows who Satoshi is or if he is even a real person. All we know is that someone using that name made a revolutionary breakthrough.