Bitstamp Learn Center is live - Crypto discovery, simplified

We’re launching the Bitstamp Learn Center, your hub for no-nonsense articles, videos, and how-to guides to help you get up to speed on all things crypto and blockchain.
Five cool things you can do with Bitcoin using Bitstamp and the ZEBEDEE Wallet

Not only does this wallet let you earn Bitcoin from games, it’s also a great entry point into the Bitcoin Lightning Network - here are 5 exciting things Bitstamp customers can do with the ZBD Wallet.
Crypto Security Precautions

Taking personal responsibility in crypto means taking the right security precautions for the crypto you hold. There is a risk you will be targeted by scammers and hackers, but here are some things you can do to keep yourself safe and protected online.
What is Bitcoin?

A year after the 2008 financial crisis, the Bitcoin white paper was published by Satoshi Nakamoto. It is now the world’s first successful decentralized currency.
What is ERC-20?

What does ERC mean? The most known is the ERC-20. But what is it? How are they made and why are they important? Wonder no more. It’s time to explain yet another one of those obscure acronyms you hear floating around the crypto space.
How to use Fibonacci retracements and extensions?

A sequence of numbers popularized by a 13th century Italian mathematician has applications in science, technology, art, music - and technical analysis too! Learn to incorporate Fibonacci retracements and extensions in your crypto trading strategy now.
What are technical and fundamental analysis?

Trying to find method in the madness is how the best traders profit from the crypto market’s fluctuations and volatility - and no tool works in isolation. Here’s our explainer on the two main approaches used in the best strategies: technical and fundamental analysis.
What is fiat?

Even if you’ve been in crypto only a short time, you will have probably heard about fiat. But what's the easiest way to turn fiat money into crypto (and back)?
How a crypto transaction works?

What’s actually going on in crypto wallets? And how is crypto transferred from one address to another? What are inputs, outputs and UTXO? We’ll get a bit technical, hope you don’t mind ...
You've heard of Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake. What else is there?

You might have heard of proof of work before. It’s the original blockchain consensus algorithm, but there are others, more efficient and kinder to the environment. Read on to find out more about them.