How technology moves society - not politics: Lasse Birk Olesen at TEDxCopenhagen 2012
Scientists argued for 150 years that politicians needed to stop population growth, but it weren't new laws that stopped its acceleration. No, it happened as the pill became widely available. ...
Bitcoin Prevents Monetary Tyranny
Bitcoin is not about making rapid global transactions with little or no fee. Bitcoin is about preventing monetary tyranny. That is its raison d’être. Monetary tyranny can take many ugly forms. It...
Wait, Why Is This Worth Anything?
A few minutes into explaining Bitcoin to the uninitiated, the discussion invariably starts leaning in a particular direction and then "the question" gets asked: "Obviously some people think...
Can Bitcoin Offer Hope to Skidding Local and National Economies?
Amir Taaki said it most appropriately in a welcoming speech at last month’s Bitcoin conference in London—an event he organized. “In 100 years, Bitcoin, or a system like it, may form the basis of a...
Bit4X - First FOREX broker to offer trading with Bitcoins
Monetarists Anonymous
After a spectacular crash, an online currency makes a surprising comeback.
Bitcoin Non-Technical FAQ
Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency. It does not depend on any particular organization or a person and is not backed by any commodity like gold or silver. Bitcoin is a name for both the...
Bitcoin Usage for Political Donations Expands to Vermont
About a month ago, New Hampshire State Representative Mark Warden pushed forward the legitimacy of Bitcoin in two very significant ways.
BBC - Digital currency: Brave new world or criminal haven?
Scheduled maintenance work for 3.10.2012
We will be upgrading our core network infrastructure. Our service might be disrupted or unavailable tomorrow between 14:00 and 14:30 GMT. Thank you for understanding! CEO, Nejc Kodrič Bitstamp...