BitData launched a new version of a real-time Bitcoin market info site
The main features include: BitData Table: Displays prices and volumes from the most active trading venues. BitData Price Chart: Calculating the weighted average price of Bitcoins traded on all...
23-year-old releases new chips that 'mine' Bitcoins 50 times faster
There's an entire industry of Bitcoin miners out there, people that set up specialized computer rigs to run 24 hours a day to mine the digital currency. Thanks to a 23-year-old kid from Brooklyn,...
Key Disclosure Laws Can Be Used To Confiscate Bitcoin Assets
Jail time for refusing to comply with mandatory key disclosure hasn’t occurred in the United States yet. But, it’s already happening in jurisdictions such as the UK, where a 33-year-old man was...
PayPal's File-Sharing Restrictions Drive Merchants to Rivals
PayPal's strict requirements for merchants that sell file-storage services have created an opportunity for competitors including BitPay, which processes payments in the digital currency Bitcoin.
Why Bitcoin Can No Longer Be Ignored
“Someone is going to figure out how to make this work and when they do, all the anti-gambling, over-regulating authoritarian governments will be exposed as emperors without clothes. It might not...
Bank holiday - December 25th, 26th
Dear Bitstamp users, Due to upcoming holidays, December 25th Christmas and December 26th Independence and Unity Day, banks will be closed and bank transfers will not get processed. All bank...
Where Is Bitcoin? A Look At Some Analytical Data
Bitcoin has come far in this past year. Almost exactly one year ago, the Bitcoin price was almost at the bottom of the largest prolonged slump in Bitcoin history, having fallen from an all-time...
IMPORTANT: Missing reference numbers delay deposits
Dear Bitstamp clients, Since yesterday November 19th, Bitstamp is receiving a lot of bank transfers with no reference number provided. In order to prevent this from disrupting our service,...
How bitcoin illustrates the idea of a liquidity premium
On November 15 @ 5:37 PM, tweeted that it would be accepting bitcoin as payment. Over the next twenty-four hours, the price of bitcoin steadily rose on Mt. Gox, the major bitcoin...
Bitcoin Money - Berlin Becomes Latest ‘Bitcoin Hotspot’